HBSE Class 12 English Important Question Answer 2025

Haryana Board (HBSE) Class 12 English Important Question Answer 2025. HBSE Class 12 English Important Questions 2025. BSEH Class 12 English Short, Long Questions 2025. Class 12 English Most important questions for Board Exam 2025. HBSE Class 12 English Grammar, Literature important questions. HBSE 12th Class English important questions 2025.


HBSE Class 12 English Important Question Answer 2025


Short & Long Questions

1. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? (The Rattrap)
Answer – The crofter was an old man. He had no wife or children. He lived alone in his house. When the peddler knocked at his door and asked for shelter, he was happy to receive someone to talk to in his loneliness. So, he was so talkative and friendly with the peddler.

2. What is common between Derry and Mr. Lamb? (On the Face of It)
Answer – The common thing between Derry and Mr. Lamb is that both of them suffered from physical impairment. Mr. Lamb had an artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severly burnt face. The experiences of both had been terribly painful.

3. Antartica is the doorway to the past. Explain. (Journey to the End of the Earth)
Answer – Antarctica is important in the study of the history of the Earth because it holds in its ice-cores half million year old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice. Also, it has profound effect on the Earth’s climate and ocean systems.

4. What efforts did Dr. Sadao and Hana do in order to save the American Soldier? (The Enemy)
Answer – Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana brought the wounded man to their house and helped him greatly. Sadao operated on him and saved his life by removing the bullet from his body. Hana washed him and served him when none of their servants wanted to do so as he was an enemy soldier. Dr. Sadao even helped him escape to safety.

5. Why did landlord’s man asked Bama’s brother on which street he lived? (Memories of Childhood)
Answer – Annan was returning home from the library in the neighbouring village, when the landlord’s man asked him his name. Then, he wanted to know where Annan lived. He asked this to ascertain Annan’s caste, as all the lower caste people lived in one area of the town.

6. Mukesh’s parents were fatalists but he was not. Comment. (Lost Spring)
Answer – Mukesh’s parents were bangle makers. They were fatalists as they believed in the god given linage. They were burdened by the stigma of caste in which they were born. They accepted their fate but Mukesh did not want to carry on his parents’ profession. He wanted to become a motor mechanic.

7. These days taking selfies, making reels etc. and uploading them on social media is common. But in some primitive cultures taking a photographic portrait of someone was not allowed. What was their belief about being photographed? (Interview)
Answer – Today, people love to post their selfies, reels etc. on social media but in some primitive cultures it was believed that if one was taking photographic portrait of somebody then he was stealing that person’s soul.

8. What made William Douglas hydrophobic? (Deep Water)
Answer – When William Douglas was ten or eleven years old, a boy probably eighteen years old threw him into the pool. He was nearly drowned. He could not eat or sleep that night. That incident developed in him an aversion to water and made him hydrophobic.

9. State two qualities of Subbu which you infer from the lesson ‘Poet and Pancakes’.
Answer – Subbu was no.2 at Gemini studio. He was a superb actor, writer, poet and above all he was an amiable person. He had no ill-will against anybody. He was an asset for the director.

10. “Kamala Das’ mother loves her very much”. Support your answer with reference to the poem. (My Mother at Sixty Six)
Answer – Kamla Das’ mother was sixty six years old. She was weak, sick and near her death yet she accompanied her daughter to the airport to bid her good bye. This clearly shows that she loved her daughter very much.

11. How, according to Keats, does a thing of beauty give us the reason to live and love the life? (A Thing of Beauty)
Answer – According to Keats the world is full of miseries, sickness and inhumanity. It is very hard to live in it. In spite of all these miseries, sickness and inhumanity, a thing of beauty teaches us to live for all. For example, trees give shade to everyone, flowers give their fragrance without discrimination, Sun gives its sunshine to each and every one. Thus, a thing of beauty gives us reason to live and love the life.

12. What was the Plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand? (A Roadside stand)
Answer – The folk plea was that the city people should be more sympathetic and helpful towards them. They should buy their products so that they might earn some cash and live life with honour. They also pleaded that the people in power should fulfil the promise they made to them.

13. Why did the Tiger King not allow the British Officer to hunt the tigers in his kingdom? (The Tiger King)
Answer – The Tiger King vowed to kill hundred tigers but the population of tigers was decreasing in his kingdom. Moreover, if he allowed the British officer to hunt tigers in his kingdom, it would attract the others to follow and would create hindrance in his mission. So, he did not allow the British officer to hunt the tigers in his kingdom.

14. What superstitious beliefs of the servants made them oppose Dr. Sadao’s decision to harbour Tom? (The Enemy)
Answer – The servants believed that if Dr. Sadao harbour the American soldier, the sea god would avenge on him. So, they left the house till Tom, the American soldier, stayed there.

15. What impact did Annan’s advice have on Bama and with what effect? (Memories of Childhood)
Answer – Annan advised Bama to work hard to win the honour and dignity. He inspired her to fight back through hard work and study. She got the inspiration and studied hard. As a result she topped the class.

16. Why did Green start ‘Students on Ice’ programme? (Journey to the End of the Earth)
Answer – Green started the Student on Ice programme to provide the students an inspiring educational opportunity and to make them realize the real danger of global warming. He wanted to foster in them a new understanding of our planet. He was sure that students can pay back to the environment more than anyone else.

17. How did the Tiger king acquire his name? (The Tiger King)
Answer – The Tiger King acquired his name as he had killed all the tigers in his state to prove the prediction of the astrologer wrong. He even married the princess of a state that had a lot of tigers in its jungles so that he could kill them.

18. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops? (The Enemy)
Answer – Dr. Sadao had not been sent abroad with the troops because the General was being treated by him, and he could trust no other Japanese surgeon. Secondly, Dr Sadao was about to make an important discovery that would leave wounds entirely clean.

19. Why does Derry not like being with people? (On the Face of It)
Answer – Derry did not like being in the company of other people and remained isolated because he hated the pitiful and curios stares that were directed towards him. He felt that everybody was afraid of his appearance and stayed with him out of compulsion. He also does not like when people talk about his disfigured face.

20. How did Zitkala-Sa feel when her hair were cut? (Memories of Childhood)
Answer – When her long hair was cut, Zitkala-Sa felt anguished and pained and felt like an animal driven by a herder. She thought that she was a wooden puppet who had been tossed about in the air. She also cried and missed her mother very much.

21. Why did Umberto Eco prefer himself to be called an academician than a novelist? (The Interview)
Answer – Despite achieving fame as a novelist, Eco preferred to associate himself with the academic community because his non-fictional work occupied him for the first fifty years of his life. He wrote his first novel at the age of around fifty. He identified himself more with the academic community and resorts to writing fiction only when he was not pursuing some scholarly work.

22. How did the incident at the YMCA pool affect Douglas? (Deep Water)
Answer – One day William Douglas was sitting alone on one side of the Y.M.C.A. pool. He was waiting for the others to come so that he could start swimming. By chance there came a big burly boy of an eighteen years old. He asked “Hi, Skinny! How’d you like to be ducked?” He picked and tossed Douglas and threw him into the deep end of the pool. A sensation of death ran through him. He shouted for help in vain; but life smiled at him and he was saved.

23. Why is the Englishman’s visit described as an unexplained mystery? (Poets and Pancakes)
Answer – The Englishman’s visit to the Gemini Studios is referred to as an unexplained mystery because no one could decipher his identity, whether he was a poet or an editor. Besides, when he spoke no one at the studio understood what he intended to say as his accent was beyond their comprehension.

24. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny? (Going Places)
Answer – Jansie was very interested in things that did not concern her. She wanted to know other people’s affairs. She would spread the news in the whole neighbourhood. So, Sophie didn’t want Jansie to know about her story with Danny. It may also be mutual rivalry and one-upmanship on her part. Sophie was startled to learn that Geoff had told Jansie about her story with Danny.

25. Mention the things of beauty described by Keats. (A Thing of Beauty)
Answer – Keats refers to several things of beauty in his poem, such as trees which provide shade, cool rivers that offer relief during summer and also the stories we have read or heard about our ancestors. All of these things are a source of unending beauty and joy for us. They calm our mind and bring us peace.

26. What is the childish longing that the poet refers to? Why is it in vain? (A Roadside Stand)
Answer – The theme of poverty is principal to the poem “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum.” Spender creates a crisp image of children in poverty through his descriptions of dire situations and mal-nourished students, revealing a sad, hidden segment of society that was prevalent throughout the world. Spender believes this poverty is created through the oppressive power of capitalism.

27. By keeping quiet, does Pablo Neruda mean to stand idle? If not, what does he want us to do?
Answer – The ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to is of those who have a roadside stand. They innocently long for cars to stop by their stand. However, all their longing is in vain because hardly anyone visits them. People don’t even stop to ask for prices of things. The cars that stop at the stand do so either to turn, to ask for directions or to ask for things like gas that the stand clearly does not sell.

28. ‘The Rattrap’ is a story, which presents the life of a miser peddler and how trust and kindness transformed him. How did this happen?
Answer – The story begins with Lagerlöf describing the general circumstances of the vagabond. He is a man who wanders from farm to farm, through towns and along country roads, begging, stealing, and bartering to meet his basic needs. When he is able to scrounge the materials, he makes rat traps out of wire and attempts to sell them. Edla speaks on behalf of the vagabond, she says to her father, “I don’t think we ought to chase away a human being whom we have asked to come here, and to whom we have promised Christmas cheer” It is this very hospitality that gives the vagabond the confidence to return the money.

29. How were Shukla and Gandhiji received in Rajendra Prasad’s house? (Indigo)
Answer – In Patna, Shukla led Gandhiji to the house of a lawyer, Rajendra Prasad. He was out of town but his servants knew Shukla as a poor peasant who pestered Rajendra Prasad (their master) to help the indigo sharecroppers. So he was allowed to stay there with his companion. But Gandhiji was not permitted to draw water from the well lest he be an untouchable and some drops of water from his bucket pollute the entire source.

30. Why was Subbu considered No.2 in Gemini Studios? (Poets and Pancakes)
Answer – Kothamangalam Subbu succeeded in securing the place closest to The Boss by means of flattery. He was not brilliant but a rather cheerful person and exceedingly loyal to The Boss. He offered solutions whenever The Boss was in a fix. Thus, the other employees considered him No.2 in Gemini Studios.

31. Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your answer. (The Interview)
Answer – Yes, Umberto Eco, in all possibilities, likes being interviewed. He readily answers every question asked by Mukund Padmanabhan in an energetic and lively manner. He does not seem apprehensive about sharing his secrets, experiences and opinions with the interviewer, and consequently, the world. There is no indication throughout the interview that he dislikes being interviewed.

32. How does the poet ‘Kamala Das’ describe her mother in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’?
Answer – The poet describes her mother’s ageing face and her reaction to it without the slightest bit of hesitation. She compares her mother’s face to that of a corpse. She compares her mother’s face with that of the moon on a winter night. This image is not morbid but pleasant. However, both images are used to signal the end of something. The corpse more directly addresses the issue of human life coming to an end.

33. Contrast Aunt Jennifer’s tigers with her own character.
Answer – Aunt Jennifer has led her life like a slave under the cruel dominance of her husband. She has no liberty. She has to continue to her slavish routine of embroidery. On the other hand, the tigers painted by her look very chivalric, sleek and brave. They are not afraid of human beings. The tigers will go on prancing across the screen even after Aunt Jennifer’s death. Thus the tigers created by her are immortal.

34. When Franz reached his school, what unusual situation did he observe? (The Last Lesson)
Answer – When Franz reached school, an unusual situation prevailed in its atmosphere. Usually, there would be a great hustle and bustle when the school began. The noise of opening and closing of the desks, lessons being repeated in unison and the hitting of the teacher’s ruler on the table could be heard out in the street. But that day, it was all very quiet and as still as on a Sunday morning.

35. How was Saheb’s life at tea stall? (Lost Spring)
Answer – Saheb took up the job of performing odd jobs at a tea stall, but was unhappy because he was tied down by the work he had to do. Thus, he lost his independence, which he earlier had as a ragpicker.

36. Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection? (Going Places)
Answer – Sophie longed for her brother’s affections because she was jealous of her brother’s silence and wanted him to confide in her. She thought he knew about things and had been to places she had never been to and this fascinated her. She longed to know more about these things from her brother and, thus, craved for his affection, hoping that he would then take her to those places with him.

37. What are some positive views on interviews? (The Interview)
Answer – Interview is a genre that has become a commonplace of journalism within a span of about 130 years. It is an art that brings out truth and gives us vivid impressions of the interviewees. It is an excellent medium of communication.

38. Why did the Peddler sign himself as ‘Captain Von Stahle’? (The Rattrap)
Answer – Edla had honoured and treated the peddler like a captain inspite of knowing the truth. His signing himself as Captain von Stahle shows that he wanted to retain the dignity and respect accorded to him.

39. Why are the cars called ‘selfish’? (A Roadside Stand)
Answer – The poet uses a transferred epithet here. He actually means to say that the owners of the cars just pass by without a thought for the plight of the stall owners. They do not stop to buy anything from them, instead, either ask for directions, or prices of things or to sell gas to the stand. Thus, the urban people riding in cars are called ‘selfish’.

40. What does the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us?
Answer – The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ teaches us to take out some time from our busy schedules to introspect ourselves. It also teaches us to stop being self-centered and selfish and be happy by understanding ourselves.

41. What kind of pain does Kamala Das feel in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’?
Answer – Kamala Das feels pained at the thought of her mother getting old. She was pained to think that she might have to lose her mother soon as she was likely to die.

42. How did the hundredth tiger take revenge on the Tiger King? (The Tiger King)
Answer – The Tiger King got a wooden toy-tiger as a birthday present for his son. The father and the son played with the wooden tiger. Its surface was rough. One of the silvers pierced the Maharaja’s right hand. After a few days, infection spread over his arm. He was operated by three expert surgeons, but it could not save the king. At last the king died. Thus, the hundredth tiger (Wooden tiger) took revenge upon the king.

43. Why did the General spare the American soldier? (The Enemy)
Answer – The General had his own selfish interest in sparing the American soldier. He knew Dr. Sadao was indispensable to him and did not want him to be arrested. He did not trust other surgeons. In his capacity as a General he should have had the American soldier arrested but he refrained from it in his personal selfinterest.

44. Why do bangle makers end up losing their eye-sight? (Lost Spring)
Answer – The bangle makers in the glass bangles industry in Firozabad faced many problems. They had to work in the dingy cells without air and light in the high temperatures of the furnace. The dust particles from the bangles injured their eyes. They often lost their eyesight before they became adults.

45. How did the Crofter entertain the Rattrap seller? (The Rattrap)
Answer – The crofter entertained the Rattrap seller by sharing his feelings, giving him food and even playing a game of cards with him. He behaved in a friendly manner with the peddler and welcomed him warmly to his house.

46. Give a brief character-sketch of Kothamangalam Subbu. (Poets and Pancakes)
Answer – Subbu was the No. 2 at Gemini Studios. According to the office boy, Subbu did not deserve anything because he was neither well educated nor had any exceptional talent. His only virtue was being a Brahmin, due to which he got opportunities readily. He was always cheerful. Even a flop film couldn’t take away his cheerfulness. The narrator takes a dig at him by saying that he always needed people to work for him but he was ever-loyal to the Chief. Subbu could offer countless solutions to the problems of the producer of a film. The narrator comments that film making was quite simple with a man like Subbu around.

47. Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey? (Going Places)
Answer – Sophie was a school going teenager filled with fantasies and desires. She fantasised about Danny Casey, an Irish footballer, whom she had seen playing in innumerable matches. He was a popular local celebrity and hence Sophie was fascinated by him. She was attracted to him because of his celebrity status and because she had a tendency to imagine unrealistic scenarios.

48. How is the mother tongue important to a person? What does M Hamel say about this? (The Last Lesson)
Answer – The mother tongue is the representative of a nation’s true identity and character. It acts as a binding force, creating unity among the countrymen. M. Hamel rightly said that when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language, it is as if they have the key to their prison.

49. How did Derry overcome his shyness and insecurity? How did Mr Lamb help him? (On the Face of It)
Answer – Derry’s brief association with Mr. Lamb changed him from a bitter, pessimistic and complete ridden boy to a mature and a confident person. His attitude towards life underwent a transformation. He got encouraged by Mr. Lamb’s unending enthusiasm and unceasing zeal to live life. Thus, Mr. Lambs unfalling optimism helped transform Derek completely. Mr. Lamb’s conversation with him about everything and everybody being essentially the same, his notion of beauty being relative, his talk about pretty girls and love, his concept of the world and friendship and the incident of the timid man, all fascinated and inspired Derek. Gradually he was able to shed his old self and rediscover life. He was able to experience the joy of little thing of life like rain drops falling pitter-patter on the roof. He even told his mother, “You shouldn’t believe all you hear.” Thus, Derek’s brief association with Mr. Lamb changed Derry’s life.

50. What kind of indications do we get while visiting Antarctica to save Earth? (Journey to the End of the Earth)
Answer – Tishani Doshi’s entire experience of visiting Antarctica was nothing short of a revelation. It made her wonder about the “beauty of balance in play on our planet”. She hopes the new generation will understand their planet better and save it from annihilation. The planet’s ecosystem and its balance that took millions of years to form can be soon destroyed. Scientists warn that a further depletion in the ozone layer will affect the activities of the phytoplankton. The lives of the marine animals and birds of the region will be affected. But the school students’ visit to the Antarctica may make human beings handle their planet in a better way.

51. What are the steps William Douglas takes throughout the story, in order to conquer his fear of water? (Deep Water)
Answer – When Douglas grew up, he took the help of an instructor to learn swimming. His training went on from October to April. For three months he was taken across the pool with the help of a rope. As he went under, terror filled him and his legs froze. The instructor taught him to exhale under water and inhale through raised nose. He made him kick his legs to make them relax. Then he asked him to swim. He continued swimming from April to July. Still all terror had not left. He swam two miles across Lake Wentworth and the whole length to the shore and back of Warm Lake. Then he overcame his fear of water.

52. What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status? (Going Places)
Answer – Sophie belongs to a lower middle class family. She is an escapist and has wild dreams. She dreams of things she can’t have in real life. Jansie tells her that boutique needs a lot of money. Sophie knows that the family doesn’t have money. She says, “If ever I came into money, I’ll buy a boutique.” Even little Derek understands her unrealistic nature.
Geoff’s occupation reflects their socio-economic background. He is an apprentice mechanic. He travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. His jacket is shapeless. Her father lacks sophistication. He is a heavy breathing man. He sits in his vest at the table. He grunts and tosses one of little Derek’s shoes from his chair on to the sofa. There is stove in the same room where dirty washing is piled in a comer. Sophie’s father goes to pub on his bicycle. All these indicators confirm their lower middle-class family background.

53. What kind of life did Saheb lead at Seemapuri? (Lost Spring)
Answer – Saheb belongs to a Bangladeshi refugee family that migrated to Delhi from Dhaka in the wake of the 1971 Indo-Pak war. Here he finds himself in a vicious circle of social stigma, poverty and exploitation. He represents a growing number of refugee migrant poor population who are forced to lead a life of penury. This migratory population settle on the periphery of big cities and start doing menial jobs to earn a living. Due to extreme poverty Saheb’s parents are unable to provide for him and so he ends up picking rags for his own survival as well as to support his parents. The author says that Saheb scrounges for ‘gold’ in the garbage. Anything valuable like used clothes, shoes, bits of metal, plastic scrap, stray coins and currency notes can be termed as gold for them.

54. “Don’t put off learning or doing things until tomorrow because the opportunity may be taken from you by then.” Elaborate this statement in context of the chapter ‘The Last Lesson’.
Answer – When the young student narrator Franz wakes up, the worst thing in the world to him is having to face his teacher’s lesson on participles that he neglected to study for. All he can think all morning until he arrives at school is his anxiety over failing to study and the trouble he’s going to get in because of it. By the end of that very same day, the lesson no longer matters because the French language is no longer going to be a subject taught in the school. Overnight, the requirement to learn to French has disappeared, but ironically Franz’s desire to learn it has exploded. One of the themes of the story is moral instruction: don’t put off things learning or doing things until tomorrow because the opportunity may be taken from you by then.

55. Write a summary of the chapter ‘The Tiger King’, pointing out the humour, satire and irony in the story.
Answer – The writer has dealt the serious facts in a very humorous and lighter mood. In the very beginning one can see the astrologer’s prediction that the baby would be the warrior of warriors and the champion of champions after becoming adult but he would die some day. At this the ten day old baby asked the astrologers the manner of death. The chief astrologer told that he would die from a tiger. If that did not happen, he would tear his books and get his tuft cut. Side by side one can note that the prince is brought up in an English environment under the care of an English nurse.
After having taken the rein of his state, the king starts killing the tigers. In between a high ranking British officer expresses his desire to get himself with a dead tiger so as to brag of his bravery. To save his throne, he has to send rare samples of precious fifty diamond rings to the Englishman’s wife. The greedy woman keeps the whole lot. He marries a royal daughter whose father has forests with large tiger population. One can note deep humour and satire in these facts. Then the dewan arranges for a tiger lest he should lost his job. The king is much happy to kill the hundredth tiger but he does not know the truth of its survival. As luck would have it, he purchases a wooden tiger to gift his son.
But this wooden tiger becomes the cause of this mighty Tiger King. Thus we can agree that all these details are humorously presented with an under current of satire and irony in the story ‘The Tiger King!’

56. What were Zitkala-Sa’s experiences on her first day in the land of apples? (Memories of Childhood)
Answer – The first day in the land of apples was bitterly cold and as the bell rang for breakfast, there was an annoying clatter of shoes which gave Zitkala-Sa no peace. Though her spirit tore itself in struggling for its freedom, it was of no use. She was placed in a line with the Indian girls and marched into the dining room. All the girls were rather immodestly dressed in tightly fitting clothes. As Zitkala-Sa sat down she observed that she was being keenly watched by a strange pale faced woman.
Later, her friend Judewin gave her a terrible warning that this pale faced woman was talking about cutting their long, heavy hair. Zitkala-Sa crept into a room and crawled under a bed and huddled herself in the dark corner so that she could avoid her hair being cut. But women and girls entered the room and dragged her out. She resisted by kicking and scratching wildly. Inspite of her resistance she was carried downstairs, fied fast in a chair and her long hair was shingled.

57. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? (The Third Level)
Answer – Yes, the third level was a medium of escape for Charley from the unhappy modern world that is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and the like. This is because he could never find it again at the Grand Central Station.
Charley did not agree with his psychiatrist friend when the latter called his experience of visiting the third level ‘a waking-dream wish fulfilment.’ His friend tried in vain to make him realise that his hallucinations are a result of his strong desire to escape to the peaceful times of the 1890s.

58. There are moments in life when we have to make hard choices between our roles as private individuals and as citizens with a sense of national loyalty. Discuss with reference to the story ‘The Enemy’.
Answer – Life has many facets. We live it by maintaining a delicate balance between the various facets it offers to us as part of our existence as an individual in a society. Living for our own self, family, profession and country are just a few of them. However at times, it becomes difficult to maintain this balance, and gets overpowered by confusion and dilemmas.
The story about Dr Sadao, Hana and the war prisoner exemplifies this. On finding a wounded war prisoner washed ashore, Dr Sadao and Hana are unable to decide what to do. They are confused whether they should save and tend the injured or leave him to die or inform the army.
Eventually, Dr Sadao strikes a balance by deciding to save him before handing him over to the army. He and his wife sympathetically tend him but the pressure, of secretly hiding a war prisoner in their home and going against the rule of the law, subdue their sympathetic self. In a bid to get rid of this burden, Dr Sadao reveals it to the General who promises to get the prisoner killed through assassins. But Dr Sadao’s humane side again pops up asking him to ply with the voice of his soul, and he goes out of his way to help the enemy soldier flee to safety.

59. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. Elaborate in context of Derry and Mr Lamb. (On the Face of It)
Answer – A person with any physical impairment can live life with respect and honour, if he is not ridiculed and punished with heartless pity. He expects empathy rather than sympathy. If everyone looks down at him with a pessimistic approach, he may never be able to come out of his sorrow, and consequently, recline to his own secluded world. He is already in tremendous mental and emotional pressure. So, he expects others to be understanding rather than remind him of his disability.
In the play, Derry and Mr. Lamb, both are caught in a similar situation. Mr. Lamb, as an adult, is able to cope with such problems, but Derry, being a child, is not able to untangle this web alone. He develops a strong liking for this old man because he spoke the words a person, with such problem, would want to hear.

60. ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us? (Journey to the End of the Earth)
Answer – Antarctica is an isolated island which has a lot to reveal. There are many geological phenomena which tell us a lot about the past, present and future of the planet. One such event was the breaking of the giant southern supercontinent, Gondwana, which gave way to the present globe marked into different continents as well as water bodies. Through this geological history, we can also understand evolution and extinction. The levels of ozone and carbon may reveal what drastic steps need to be taken to maintain a balance. Even the melting glaciers of Antarctica, lead us to the realization of the need to help revert the global warming.
With Antarctica’s limited biodiversity, it is easy to see small changes bringing in big consequences. Thus, it can be said that the world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.

61. Why did the tiger king vow to kill a hundred tigers? (The Tiger King)
Answer – The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram’s name was Jung Jung Bahadur. But he came to be known as the Tiger King. When he was born, the Chief astrologer made a prophecy that his death would be caused by a tiger. He should remain very careful of the hundredth tiger. So the Maharaja was forced to start the campaign of killing tigers in self-defence. He started hunting tigers at the age of twenty. His campaign was a great success. Within ten years, he killed seventy tigers. As a result of it, the jungles of his own state left no tiger at all. Then he married a girl from a royal family, in whose state had a large number of tigers. Then he started hunting tigers in the forests of his father-in-law’s state. Very soon he killed ninety nine tigers, just one short of the required one hundred. The hundredth tiger was the wooden tiger toy that the king had given to his son on his third birthday present. It caused his death.

62. Describe Charley’s experience at the third level. (The Third Level)
Answer – Charley saw on the third level that there were fewer ticket windows. The rooms were there smaller. There the lights were dim. They flickered because they were open flame gas lights. There were lying brass spittons on the floor. Everyone on the third level dressed like 1890’s. Man had beards, side whiskers, and fancy man moustaches. The locomotives stood there were very small. A news boy had copies of a newspaper ‘The World’ that had not been published for years. It was a June 11, 1894 edition. Charley turned towards the ticket windows. From there he could know that he could buy tickets for any where in the United States. He decided to buy two tickets for Galesburg. But he found that only old style currency were accepted to buy tickets. Charley had to come back from there in order to have old style currency. But the next day he could not find the Third Level.

63. What made the peddler finally change his ways? (The Rattrap)
Answer – The peddler was a poor man. He used to walk up and down selling small rattraps of wire. Since his business was not profitable, he resorted to small thievery. Nobody showed pity and sympathy for him. Nobody allowed him to take shelter in his house. But one dark night, a poor old crofter gave him shelter and food during the night. The old crofter laid his faith in him. He told him that he had learned thirty kronors last month by selling milk of his cow. But the peddler robbed the very crofter. He stole his hard-earned money and deceived him for his simplicity The peddler is poor, but he is also a thinker. He can philosophise about his condition. Though he stole the money of the poor crofter, but the feeling of guilt remains with him. When the Ironmaster’s young daughter shows love and sympathy to him, the peddler repents for robbing the old crofter. He repents at his evil deed. His goodness is awakened. While leaving the Ironmaster’s home, he leaves the stolen money and requests Edla to return the money to the old man living in a cottage on the roadside. This shows that the peddler was not a criminal. He changed his ways finally in the story.

64. How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? (Indigo)
Answer – When the news of Gandhi’s coming and the nature of his mission spread through Muzzafarpur and to Champaran, lawyers from Muzzafarpur called on Gandhi to brief him. They represented peasant groups in court. They told him about their cases and also reported the size of their fee. Gandhi chided the lawyers for collecting big fee from the poor sharecroppers. He also told them that they should stop going to the courts. The law courts would do little good. The real relief for the crushed and fear stricken peasants would be to make them free from fear.
When Gandhi called on the British official commissioner, he was bullied and advised to leave Tirhut. But Gandhi did not leave. Instead he proceeded to Motihari, the capital of Champaran. The police superintendent ordered him to return to town. Gandhi signed a receipt for the notice and wrote on it that he would disobey the order. As a result of it, Gandhi was served summons to appear in court the next day. Gandhi telegraphed Rajendra Prasad to come from Bihar with influential friends. Thousands of peasants gathered around the court house. Many lawyers had come to advise Gandhi. They told him if he were put into prison, they would not be able to advise him. At this Gandhi told the lawyers to think about the plight of the poor peasants. They thought among themselves that Gandhi was totally a stranger and yet he was prepared to go to prison for the sake of the peasants. The lawyers went back to Gandhi and told him that they were ready to follow him into jail. At this Gandhi exclaimed, “The battle of Champaran is Won.”

65. Describe briefly the scene at the third level. (The Third Level)
Answer – Charley was an ordinary man, employed in New York. One day while travelling from Vanderbilt Avenue at Grand Central Station, he reached at the third level. It was totally unbelievable experience for him. He saw old fashioned dressing, costumes and accessories used by people living in 1890’s. People used string-watches, long black sleeve protectors and big sized currencies. The trains ran on steam and coaches were smaller.
He noticed that newspapers bore the date of 1894 and the lead story about the hundred year old America’s President Cleveland. He wanted to buy two tickets for his wife and himself but couldn’t buy it because he didn’t have the old currency. Charley wanted to visit there but he could never find the third level again.

66. Why is Antartica the place to go for the scientists today? (Journey to the End of the Earth)
Answer – The continent of Antarctica is full of secrets of the Earth’s past, present and future. Through the study of this continent, one may understand the reason behind the division of the supercontinent, Gondwana, into the present day globe.
It’s study may reveal the importance of mountains and rocks like cordilleraw folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields. Antarctica was also part of the habitat of dinosaurs in the pre-human Earth. The future of the Earth is dependent on its presence. In the continent of Antarctica, one can get a clear picture of the consequences of the depletion of the natural resources.
The ice-sheets are breaking, and thus, global warming is setting in. Also, the beauty of the existing icecovered oceans is a source of inspiration to do whatever is possible to save and preserve its natural resources. Thus, Antarctica is definitely the place to go to understand the world.

67. ‘Educating children is the responsibility of the society.’ Justify. (The Last Lesson)
Answer – Educating children is the responsibility of a society as teaching and learning cannot take place in an inimical situation. Teacher plays an important role in the society while imparting education. Often students don’t take interest in the subject when the teacher becomes unreasonably strict. A teacher who is very understanding and sympathetic can instil confidence in students and encourage learning.
Little Franz had less interest in his lessons as M. Hamel was very strict and often scolded him. But in his last lesson, he didn’t even scold Franz for reaching the class late.
When he got confused while reciting, the teacher was very understanding and patient. After that, whatever he taught in the class was well understood by Franz. He took great interest in the class and felt pity that the teacher was going away. This shows that the change in Franz’s attitude was genuine and realistic.
Further, apart from teachers, parents are also responsible in promoting education. M. Hamel criticised the people of Alsace because he knew that in his society the people give education a secondary position. Instead of sending their children to school, they send them to earn money. Therefore, it is in his last lesson that the village society realises the importance of education.

68. How did the swimming instructor build a swimmer out of Douglas? (Deep Water)
Answer – The haunting fear of the water followed Douglas in all of his fishing trips, swimming, boating and canoeing activities. To get rid of this fear, he employed an instructor who practiced him five days a week, an hour each day. To build a good swimmer out of Douglas the instructor trained him slowly and step-by-step.
First, the instructor made him shed his initial fear of water by making him cross a pool suspended by a rope attached through a pulley to his belt. This went on for three months.
Then, Douglas was taught to exhale under water and raise his nose above water and inhale. In the next step Douglas was made to kick his legs until they were relaxed. Finally, after seven months, the instructor told him to swim the length of the pool. By performing all the steps, that he had learned, at the time. As a result, Douglas started swimming.

69. What kind of an imaginary and ideal world does the poet visualize? (Keeping Quiet)
Answer – The poet longs for a calm, quiet and peaceful world, devoid of all forms of violence, as he visualises ‘togetherness’ of the people in a moment of silence and peace. According to the poet, this moment will give us time in silence for self-introspection, when we can spiritually attain our moral self through a moment of meditation.
This moment will bring an end to all destructive activities in the world. The fishermen will not be killing whales and the men gathering salt will have time to rest their injured hands. Environmental degradation will come to an end. The warmongers will be silenced in a moment of brotherhood to meditate and cleanse their souls. The poet hopes that it will be an ideal world where man will be able to come out from his self-centred attitude to gain moral peace.

70. Justify the title of the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’.
Answer – In the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’, the poet says that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. He compares a thing of beauty with a bower, where we can enjoy sweet sleep. He says that a beautiful thing will never pass into nothingness and that its loveliness will only increase with time. He goes on to say that there is so much grief and sadness on this earth that we can sustain our life only because of the things of beauty. He compares the things of beauty with ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink’. In this way, the poet underlines the fact that we should preserve and take care of the things of beauty and that they are not just important for us but also for the coming generations. Hence, the poem entirely focuses on the things of beauty and has a justified title.

71. How can we say that marriage was a compromise for Aunt Jennifer? (Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers)
Answer – We can definitely say that Aunt Jennifer’s marriage was a compromise for her because she was suppressed in her marriage. She couldn’t live the way she wanted to or do what she wanted to. She was burdened by her martial responsibilities and oppressed by her husband. The way the heaviness of the ‘Uncle wedding band’ is presented and the way her hands shake while embroidering shows that she was not happy in her marriage.

72. How does Charley try to escape the world of fear, insecurity, war, worry and stress? (The Third Level)
Answer – The modern consumerist world has become a rat race with ‘survival of the fittest’ as the only solution. Everybody is running after power, money and success. Consequently, one gets stressed with the effort to be made and the mental tension. Soon a feeling of being a failure develops. To combat such insecurities and fears, one starts imagining or fantasising about what we really want to happen, as it makes the feeling of insecurity go away temporarily. In the story ‘The Third Level’, Charley, the narrator, starts imagining about his grandfather and the village he came from. He wants to go there, as it promises freedom from insecurity. So, he starts believing that there is a third level at the Grand Central Station in New York from where a train will take him to Galesburg the village where his grandfather used to live in 1894. However, the next time he goes to Grand Central Station, he does not find the third level, as it was only in his fantasy.

73. Why did the Tiger King decide to kill a hundred tigers? Describe the efforts he made to attain his target. (The Tiger King)
Answer – The Tiger King decided to kill a hundred tigers as because there was a prophesy according to which he would be killed by the hundredth tiger. He, then, spent a significant time and made numerous efforts to fulfil his target of killing a hundred tigers. He stayed in the forest for many days. He fired many of his officers for not getting him tigers to kill. The Tiger King even married a girl from another kingdom which had a large tiger population when the tiger population become extinct in his own kingdom. The Tiger King also banned tiger hunting in his state, and did not permit a high-ranking British officer who visited
Pratibandapuram to shoot tigers, as he feared that other British officers would turn up for similar expeditions. Later, he realised the danger to his throne and had to spend a sum of three lakh rupees to impress the British officer’s wife and discourage him from killing tigers. All these efforts were made to fulfil his target of killing a hundred tigers.

74. The story depicts the pain that is inflicted on the people of two French districts namely Alsace and Lorrain by Germans by taking away their right to study or speak their own language. Comment. (The Last Lesson)
Answer – ‘The Last Lesson’ is set against the background of Franco-Prussian war. French people were defeated by the Prussian people. The districts Alsace and Lorraine passed into the hands of Prussians. Immediately, a change came into the classroom. M. Hamel, the French teacher, was ordered to leave as per the changes. The German was going to be taught in the classroom. After losing freedom, they also lost their right to study their own language. They were imposed with the foreign language with which they were not acquainted. They were forced to abandon their own language, the most beautiful and logical language in the world. With the snatching of the language the patriotic feelings were aroused creating a love for the lost era. Franz, the little boy, all of a sudden developed love for his teacher and language to which he hardly paid attention earlier. The villager came to the classroom to honour M Hamel for his forty years of loyal service and to pay respect to the language which was theirs no more. M Hamel wore his fine Sunday clothes in honour of the French language. He praised the language and inspired the villagers to guard it among themselves. Thus, the story depicts and exemplifies linguistic chauvinism, and the pangs inflicted on the people of Alsace and Lorraine.

75. What made the American publisher think that the novel ‘The Name of the Rose’ won’t sell in America? What actually happened? What was the secret of its success? (The Interview part-II)
Answer – Eco’s ‘The Name of the Rose’ is a serious novel. It deals with mystery, metaphysics, theology and medieval history. When Eco took his novel to the American publisher, she told him that she loved the book but in the same breath, she also added that she did not expect to sell more than 3000 copies in a country where nobody has seen a cathedral or studied Latin. Moreover, the readers would not be able to relate the story. But in the end, it sold two or three million copies in America alone and ten to fifteen million in the world. When asked about the huge success of the novel, Eco gave its credit to the time. He said that if he had written it ten years earlier or ten years later the result would not have been the same. His readers did not want easy experience. To him the success of the novel is still a mystery.

76. The modern consumerist world is full of fear’ insecurities, stress and wars. What are the ways in which we try to combat them? Answer with reference to ‘The Third Level. (The Third Level)
Answer – The modern world is full of fear, insecurities, stress and wars. Everybody is a participant in the modern world’s rat race. People are running after money, power and success. In this blind race one gets stressed out and develops the feeling of failure. The feeling of failure makes the life a living hell. To escape from the harsh realities of the world people adopt many ways. Stamp collecting, gardening, listening to the music, going for picnic, watching movies, creative writing, painting etc. are some ways. Charley also wants to escape from the harsh realities of the world and slip into the past. So, he imagines the third level at the Grand central Station. He wants to go back in 1894’s Galesburg through this level to live a peaceful life there. He even convinces his wife about the existence of the third level . But in reality, there was no third level. It was just a product of Charley’s imagination.

77. “The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities”. Discuss the character of Derry in the light of the above statement. (On the Face of it)
Answer – In the one act play ‘On the Face of it’ the harsh reality that the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities, has been exemplified through the character of Derry. Derry is a boy of fourteen . Half of his face was burnt by acid. He looked ugly. His parents thought that he would not be able to cope up with the world after their demise. People either moved away from him or sympathized with him. None gave him confidence. Derry quotes a woman saying “only a mother could love this face”. In this world some accept their plight with grace and overcome the hardships related to it by developing tastes and habits. But Derry could not find a way out of his disability of burned face. Gradually, he developed a sense of alienation. He wanted to escape from the world. His sneaking into Mr. Lamb’s garden when he saw none around is an example of escapism. He had harsh and unwelcomed attitude towards Mr. Lamb who tried his best to inspire him to overcome his handicap. The lack of confidence and embarrassment caused by handicap alienated him from people. One can imagine how cumbersome life appears to such persons.




1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct form of the Verb.
(i) The patient ……………. before the doctor came.
(a) had died
(b) had not die
(c) have became dead
(d) has dead
Answer – (a) had died

(ii) You …………….. a good boy.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) shall
(d) will
Answer – (b) are

(iii) Apples, bananas and mangoes …………. by him.
(a) were eat
(b) are eat
(c) are eaten
(d) not eat
Answer – (c) are eaten

(iv) I, along with my friends, …………….. going to play.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) were
(d) are
Answer – (b) am

(v) I …………….. a boy.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) are
(d) be
Answer – (b) am

(vi) You must …………… traffic rules.
(a) obey
(b) to obey
(c) have obey
(d) had obeyed
Answer – (a) obey

(vii) May God ………………. his soul!
(a) blesses
(b) bless
(c) blessed
(d) will bless
Answer – (b) bless

(viii) To ……………… is human.
(a) err
(b) errs
(c) erred
(d) erring
Answer – (a) err

(ix) An idle mind …………….. the Devil’s workshop.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) are
(d) was
Answer – (a) is

(x) May God ……………. you!
(a) blesses
(b) bless
(c) blessed
(d) will bless
Answer – (b) bless

(xi) Does he …………….. to the temple everyday?
(a) goes
(b) gone
(c) went
(d) go
Answer – (d) go

(xii) It ……………… right now.
(a) were raining
(b) is raining
(c) raining
(d) rain
Answer – (b) is raining

(xiii) I have not seen him since he …………… the village. (to leave)
(a) leave
(b) left
(c) leaving
(d) to leave
Answer – (b) left

(xiv) The moon ………….. around the earth. (to revolve)
(a) revolve
(b) revolving
(c) revolves
(d) revolved
Answer – (c) revolves

(xv) Rome …………… not built in a day.
(a) Is
(b) was
(c) were
(d) had
Answer – (b) was

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article.
(i) The Bible is ……………. holy book.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) × (no article)
Answer – (a) a

(ii) Ram ate ……….. banana, ……….. apple and two oranges.
(a) a, a
(b) a, an
(c) an, a
(d) an, an
Answer – (b) a, an

(iii) …………… milk you gave me was cold.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) ×
Answer – (c) The

(iv) …………… Gold is a precious metal.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) ×
Answer – (d) ×

(v) ………………… B/boy, who had lost his parents, cried shrilly.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) ×
Answer – (c) The

(vi) The Sun rises in ………….. east and sets in …………….. west.
(a) the, the
(b) an, a
(c) the, a
(d) an, the
Answer – (a) the, the

(vii) I saw ………………. one-eyed man.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) ×
Answer – (a) a

(viii) Where there is …………….. will, there is ……………… way.
(a) a, a
(b) an, an
(c) the, the
(d) ×, a
Answer – (a) a, a

(ix) India is …………….. big country.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) ×
Answer – (a) a

(x) …………….. U/university I am talking about is very reputed.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) ×
Answer – (c) The

(xi) I am a citizen of …………….. India.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) ×
Answer – (d) ×

(xii) An idle mind is …………… devil’s workshop.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) ×
Answer – (c) the

(xiii) The scientists saw an object flying in ………… sky.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) x
Answer – (c) the

(xiv) He is my …………. best friend.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) x
Answer – (d) x

(xv) I gave him ………….. hundred rupee note.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) x
Answer – (a) a

3. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable Modal from the given alternatives.
(i) You …………… quit smoking. You are going to get cancer.
(a) should
(b) might
(c) must
(d) would
Answer – (c) must

(ii) Work hard lest you ……………… fail.
(A) will
(b) shall
(c) should
(d) must
Answer – (c) should

(iii) …………….. you like to have a cup of tea?
(a) Can
(b) Would
(c) Should
(d) Need
Answer – (b) Would

(iv) You ……………. drive fast. The train is delayed.
(a) need to
(b) needn’t
(c) couldn’t
(d) wouldn’t
Answer – (b) needn’t

(v) You ……………. stop drinking. You have liver cirrhosis.
(a) should
(b) might
(c) could
(d) must
Answer – (d) must

(vi) I ………………. to serve the country.
(a) should
(b) will
(c) ought
(d) might
Answer – (c) ought

(vii) You ……………. not hurt me.
(a) need to
(b) dare
(c) ought to
(d) None of these
Answer – (b) dare

(viii) You ……………. drive fast. We might miss the flight.
(a) must not
(b) needn’t
(c) shouldn’t
(d) need to
Answer – (d) need to

(ix) It is sunny. It …………. rain today. (slight possibility)
(a) should
(b) will
(c) ought
(d) might
Answer – (d) might

(x) ……………. that I were a king!
(a) Would
(b) may
(c) ought to
(d) must
Answer – (a) Would

(xi) He ………….. dance for hours in his childhood.
(a) could
(b) can
(c) need
(d) will
Answer – (a) could

(xii) You ……….….. follow the law of your country.
(a) could
(b) must
(c) need
(d) will
Answer – (b) must

(xiii) We ………….. leave for Goa in the morning.
(a) dare
(b) must
(c) need
(d) shall
Answer – (d) shall

(xiv) ……….……. I sit on the chair, please?
(a) May
(b) Dare
(c) Will
(d) Must
Answer – (a) May

(xv) He ran fast so that he ………… catch the bus.
(a) may
(b) might
(c) will
(d) would
Answer – (b) might

4. Choose the correct conversion of given sentences in active voice into passive voice.
(i) Children like sweets.
(a) Sweets like children.
(b) Sweets are liked by children and adults.
(c) Sweets are liked by children.
(d) None of these
Answer – (c) Sweets are liked by children.

(ii) Sharmila will take tea.
(a) Tea will be taken by Sharmila.
(b) Tea is taken by Sharmila.
(c) Sharmila takes tea.
(d) Tea will be taken from Sharmila.
Answer – (a) Tea will be taken by Sharmila.

(iii) The man was crying over the robbery.
(a) The robbery was being cried over by men.
(b) The robbery was crying over the man.
(c) The robbery was being cried over by the man.
(d) The greedy man cried over petty robbery.
Answer – (c) The robbery was being cried over by the man.

(iv) Rescuers were saving the life of the drowning kid.
(a) The life of the drowning kid was being save by the rescuers.
(b) The rescuers have been saving lives.
(c) The drowning kid was saved by life of the rescuers.
(d) The life of the drowning kid was being saved by rescuers.
Answer – (d) The life of the drowning kid was being saved by rescuers.

(v) Rita will take a photograph.
(a) A photograph will be taken by Rita.
(b) A photograph will take Rita
(c) Rita takes a photograph.
(d) A photograph shall not be taken with Rita.
Answer – (a) A photograph will be taken by Rita.

(vi) Who hit you?
(a) By whom were you hitten?
(b) By whom were you hitted?
(c) By whom were you hit?
(d) Who hit your face?
Answer – (c) By whom were you hit?

(vii) Your hair needs cutting.
(a) Your hair needs to be cut.
(b) Your hair needs to cut.
(c) Your hair needs be cut.
(d) Your hair needs cut.
Answer – (a) Your hair needs to be cut.

(viii) It is time to read the newspaper.
(a) It is time for the newspaper to be read.
(b) It was time for the newspaper to be read.
(c) It is time for the newspaper read.
(d) It is time to read newspaper.
Answer – (a) It is time for the newspaper to be read.

(ix) Someone has picked my pocket.
(a) My pocket had been picked by someone.
(b) My pocket have been picked by someone.
(c) My pocket has been picked.
(d) None of the above.
Answer – (c) My pocket has been picked.

(x) Ram eats apples.
(a) Apples eat Ram.
(b) Apples are eaten with Ram.
(c) Apples are eaten by Ram.
(d) None of these
Answer – (c) Apples are eaten by Ram.

(xi) The peon rang the bell.
(a) The bell was rang by peon.
(b) The bell was rung by the peon.
(c) The peon rings the bell.
(d) None of these
Answer – (b) The bell was rung by the peon.

(xii) Active Voice : Somebody stole the money.
Passive Voice : The money was stolen …………… somebody.
(a) to
(b) by
(c) at
(d) under
Answer – (b) by

(xiii) Active Voice : The firefighters took the injured to nearby hospital.
Passive Voice : The injured were …………….. to the nearby hospital by the firefighters.
(a) take
(b) took
(c) taken
(d) taked
Answer – (c) taken

(xiv) Active Voice : Some people break the rules on purpose.
Passive Voice : Rules ……………. broken by some people on purpose.
(a) are
(b) has
(c) is
(d) was
Answer – (a) are

(xv) Who taught you this poem?
(a) By whom were you teach this poem?
(b) By whom did you teach the poem?
(c) By whom were you taught this poem?
(d) By whom was this poem taught to you?
Answer – (d) By whom was this poem taught to you?

5. Choose the option with the correct conversion of sentence to indirect speech. (Change the narration)
(i) I said, “My father is a doctor.”
(a) I said that his father is a doctor
(b) I said that my father is a doctor.
(c) I said that my father was a doctor.
(d) I said that my father had been a doctor.
Answer – (c) I said that my father was a doctor.

(ii) The teacher said, “The period of Gupta Dynasty was referred to as ‘Golden Age’.”
(a) The teacher said that the period of Gupta Dynasty was referred to as ‘Golden Age’.
(b) The teacher said that the period of Gupta Dynasty is referred to as ‘Golden Age’.
(c) The teacher said that the period of Gupta Dynasty will be referred to as ‘Golden Age’.
(d) The teacher exclaimed in sorrow that the period of Gupta Dynasty was referred to as ‘Silver Age’.
Answer – (a) The teacher said that the period of Gupta Dynasty was referred to as ‘Golden Age’.

(iii) Ashok said, “Alas! My dog is dead.”
(a) Ashok told that his dog is dead.
(b) Ashok exclaimed in joy that his dog was dead.
(c) Ashok exclaimed in sorrow and grief that his dog was dead.
(d) Ashok asked if his dog was living.
Answer – (c) Ashok exclaimed in sorrow and grief that his dog was dead.

(iv) He said, “I am suffering from cold and cough.”
(a) He asked if he was suffering from seasonal Flu.
(b) He said that he was suffering from cold and cough.
(c) He exclaimed in sorrow that he coughed.
(d) None of these
Answer – (b) He said that he was suffering from cold and cough.

(v) Direct Speech : Anshu said, “I am a good student.
Indirect Speech : Anshu said that she ……………… a good student.
(a) was
(b) is
(c) am
(d) are
Answer – (a) was

(vi) Direct Speech : Our teacher said, “The circumference of a circle is given by 2πr.”
Indirect Speech : Our teacher told the class that the circumference of a circle …………… by 2πr.
(a) was given
(b) were given
(c) is given
(d) will have been give
Answer – (c) is given

(vii) Direct Speech : The hermit said to the panicking crowd, “What is your problem?”
Indirect Speech : The hermit asked the panicking crowd what …………… problem was.
(a) his
(b) her
(c) there
(d) their
Answer – (d) their

(viii) She said, “I was a teacher.”
(a) She said that she was a teacher.
(b) She says that she had been a teacher.
(c) She says that she is a teacher.
(d) She said that she had been a teacher.
Answer – (d) She said that she had been a teacher.

(ix) I say, “I go to school.”
(a) I said that he went to school.
(b) I say that I go to school.
(c) I said that he goes to school.
(d) I said that I went to school.
Answer – (b) I say that I go to school.

(x) I said, “I am a student.”
(a) I said that I was a student.
(b) I say that I was a student.
(c) I said that I am a student.
(d) I said that I had been a student.
Answer – (a) I said that I was a student.

(xi) I said, “He was my senior in school.”
(a) I said that he has been my senior in school.
(b) I said that he was my senior in school.
(c) I said that he was my senior in college.
(d) I said that he had been my senior in school.
Answer – (d) I said that he had been my senior in school.

(xii) We said, “We all love our country.”
(a) We say that we all love our country.
(b) We say that they all love our country.
(c) We said that we all love our country.
(d) We said that they all love our country.
Answer – (c) We said that we all love our country.

(xiii) The teacher said to the students, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
(a) The teacher said the students that where there is a will there is a way.
(b) The teacher told the students that where there is a will there is a way?
(c) The teacher told the students where there is a will there is a way.
(d) The teacher told the students that where there is a will there is a way.
Answer – (d) The teacher told the students that where there is a will there is a way.

(xiv) The priest said to the newly married couple, “May God bless you both!”
(a) The priest wished/prayed for the newly married couple that God might bless both.
(b) The priest wished/prayed for the newly married couple that God might bless them both.
(c) The priest wished/prayed for the newly married couple that God might bless you both.
(d) The priest wished/prayed for the newly married couple if God might bless them both.
Answer – (b) The priest wished/prayed for the newly married couple that God might bless them both.

(xv) Priti asked Sumit, “How are you?”
(a) Priti asked Sumit how you were.
(b) Priti asked Sumit how was he.
(c) Priti asked Sumit how she is.
(d) Priti asked Sumit how he was.
Answer – (d) Priti asked Sumit how he was.



Passage & Extract Questions

The passages & extracts are given below and answer the questions that follow :

1. Subbu was the No. 2 at Gemini Studios. He couldn’t have had a more encouraging opening in films than our grown-up make-up boy had. On the contrary he must have had to face more uncertain and difficult times, for when he his career, there were no firmly established film producing companies or studios. Even in the matter of education, specially formal education, Subbu couldn’t have had an appreciable lead over out boy. But by virtue of being born a Brahmin-a virtue, indeed!-he must have had exposure to more affluent situations and people. He had the ability to look cheerful at all times even after having had a hand in a flop film.
Questions :
(i) Name the chapter.
(a) The Last Lesson
(c) Poets and Pancakes
(c) The Rattrap
(d) Going Places
Answer – (c) Poets and Pancakes

(ii) Name the author.
(a) Asokamitran
(b) Anees Jung
(c) Alphonse Daudet
(d) A.R. Barton
Answer – (a) Asokamitran

(iii) Subbu was no. 2 at …………………. studios.
(a) Virgo
(b) Gemini
(c) Aries
(d) Pisces
Answer – (b) Gemini

(iv) Who had the ability to look cheerful even in a flop film?
(a) Subbu
(b) Stephen
(c) Subbu’s boss
(d) None of these
Answer – (a) Subbu

(v) Find the word which means the same as ‘contrary’.
(a) conflicting
(b) opposing
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Answer – (c) Both (a) and (b)

2. … with its lands and seas, its cities and villages – was nothing but a big rattrap. It had never existed for any other purpose than to set baits for people. It offered riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing, exactly as the rattrap offered cheese and pork, and as soon as anyone let himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closed in on him, and then everything came to an end.
Questions :
(i) What is the name of the chapter from which these lines have been taken?
(a) The Rattrap
(b) Lost Spring
(c) The Last Lesson
(d) Indigo
Answer – (a) The Rattrap

(ii) What is the name of the author of the chapter?
(a) Selma Lagerlof
(b) Pablo Neruda
(c) Louis Fischer
(d) Anees Jung
Answer – (a) Selma Lagerlof

(iii) What does ‘it’ refer to in the second sentence?
(a) Rattrap
(b) Big Rattrap
(c) The Materialistic World
(d) Greedy people
Answer – (c) The Materialistic World

(iv) What would happen if someone tried to touch the bait?
(a) It would close in on him.
(b) Everything would come to an end.
(c) He would relish the bait.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer – (d) Both (a) and (b)

(v) Who is thinking about this thought?
(a) The Peddler
(b) The Rattrap seller
(c) The Vagabond
(d) All of these
Answer – (d) All of these

3. Morning found the town of Motihari black with peasants. They did not know Gandhi’s record in South Africa. They had merely heard that a Mahatma who wanted to help them was in trouble with the authorities. Their spontaneous demonstration, in thousands, around the courthouse was the beginning of their liberation from fear of the British. The officials felt powerless without Gandhi’s cooperation. He helped them regulate the crowd. He was polite and friendly. He was giving them concrete proof that their might, hitherto dreaded and unquestioned, could be challenged by Indians.
Questions :
(i) What is the name of the chapter from which these lines have been taken?
(a) The Rattrap
(b) Lost Spring
(c) The Last Lesson
(d) Indigo
Answer – (d) Indigo

(ii) What is the name of the author of the chapter?
(a) Selma Lagerlof
(b) Pablo Neruda
(c) Louis Fischer
(d) Anees Jung
Answer – (c) Louis Fischer

(iii) Motihari was the capital of ……………… .
(a) Cawnpore
(b) Champaran
(c) Haryana
(d) Lucknow
Answer – (b) Champaran

(iv) Who thought that a Mahatma was in trouble with the authorities?
(a) Peasants
(b) Lawyers
(c) Doctors
(d) Teachers
Answer – (a) Peasants

(v) The British officials were outnumbered and were scared due to peasants’ demonstration. Hence, they felt …………… .
(a) powerful
(b) royal
(c) powerless
(d) dreadful
Answer – (c) powerless

4. What a thunderclap these words were to me!
Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall!
My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any more! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn’t give up. And M. Hamel, too; the idea that he was going away, that I should never see him again, made me forget all about his ruler and how cranky he was.
Questions :
(i) What does ‘thunderclap’ mean, in the context of this passage?
(a) thunderbolt
(b) shock
(c) strike of lightning
(d) anger
Answer – (b) shock

(ii) Who is the author of the given passage?
(a) Kamala Das
(b) Alphonse Daudet
(c) Selma Lagerlöf
(d) Nelson Mandela
Answer – (b) Alphonse Daudet

(iii) What is the name of the chapter from which this passage has been extracted?
(a) The Rattrap
(b) The Last Lesson
(c) Indigo
(d) The Interview
Answer – (b) The Last Lesson

(iv) What was the behaviour of M Hamel before the announcement?
(a) Angry
(b) Cranky
(c) Sad
(d) Terrorising
Answer – (c) Sad

(v) What had seemed as a nuisance to Franz a little while ago?
(a) Books
(b) Grammar
(c) History of Old Saints
(d) All of these
Answer – (d) All of these

5. Savita, a young girl in a drab pink dress, sits alongside an elderly woman, soldering pieces of glass. As her hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine, I wonder if she knows the sanctity of the bangles she helps make. It symbolises an Indian woman’s suhaag, auspiciousness in marriage. It will dawn on her suddenly one day when her head is draped with a red veil, her hands dyed red with henna, and red bangles rolled onto her wrists. She will then become a bride. Like the old woman beside her who became one many years ago. She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes. “Ek waqt ser bhar khana bhi nahin khaya,” she says, in a voice drained of joy. She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime – that’s what she has reaped!
Questions :
(i) What do bangles symbolize?
(a) A man’s suhaag
(b) An Indian woman’s suhaag
(c) A girl’s auspiciousness
(d) A red veiled woman
Answer – (b) An Indian woman’s suhaag

(ii) Who is dressed in a drab pink dress?
(a) A Young Lady
(b) Savita
(c) Old lady
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer – (d) Both (a) and (b)

(iii) Who has not enjoyed even one full meal in his/her life?
(a) Old Lady
(b) Savita
(c) Old Man
(d) Author
Answer – (a) Old Lady

(iv) What does a bride NOT wear on her wedding day?
(a) Red Veil
(b) Red Bangles
(c) Henna in her hands
(d) Shirt
Answer – (d) Shirt

(v) What is the name of the author of the given passage?
(a) Anees Jung
(b) Leslie Norris
(c) Adrienne Rich
(d) William Shakespeare
Answer – (a) Anees Jung

6. The experience had a deep meaning for me, as only those who have known stark terror and conquered it can appreciate. In death there is peace. There is terror only in the fear of death, as Roosevelt knew when he said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Because I had experienced both the sensation of dying and the terror that fear of it can produce, the will to live somehow grew in intensity.
Questions :
(i) Name the chapter.
(a) The Last Lesson
(b) Poets and Pancakes
(c) The Rattrap
(d) Deep Water
Answer – (d) Deep Water

(ii) Name the author.
(a) Asokamitran
(b) William Douglas
(c) Alphonse Daudet
(d) A.R. Barton
Answer – (b) William Douglas

(iii) Does one fear death itself?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Sometimes
(d) Maybe
Answer – (b) No

(iv) Which word has the meaning similar to ‘feeling’?
(a) sensation
(b) stark
(c) intensity
(d) fear
Answer – (a) sensation

(v) “All we have to fear is fear itself.” – Who said this?
(a) Franklin D. Roosevelt
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) John F. Kennedy
(d) Richard Nixon
Answer – (a) Franklin D. Roosevelt

7. When I presented my first doctoral dissertation in Italy, one of the professors said, “Scholars learn a lot of a certain subject, then they make a lot of false hypotheses, then they correct them, and at the end, they put the conclusions. You, on the contrary, told the story of your research. Even including your trials and errors.” At the same time, he recognized I was right and went on to publish my dissertation as a book which meant he appreciated it.
Questions :
(i) Where did the speaker present his first doctoral dissertation?
(a) Italy
(b) Mexico
(c) Spain
(d) Greece
Answer – (a) Italy

(ii) Name the chapter from which these lines have been taken.
(a) The Interviewer
(b) A Roadside Stand
(c) The Last Lesson
(d) The Interview
Answer – (d) The Interview

(iii) Who is the speaker?
(a) Roland Barthes
(b) Umberto Eco
(c) V.S. Naipaul
(d) Rudyard Kipling
Answer – (b) Umberto Eco

(iv) Name the author.
(a) Christopher Silvester
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Charles Dickens
(d) Frederick Forsyth
Answer – (a) Christopher Silvester

(v) Who published speaker’s dissertation as a book?
(a) Teacher
(b) Professor
(c) Guide
(d) Mentor
Answer – (b) Professor

8. Gandhi decided to go first to Muzzafarpur, which was enroute to Champaran, to obtain more complete information about conditions than Shukla was capable of imparting. He accordingly sent a telegram to Professor J.B. Kripalani, of the Arts College in Muzzafarpur, whom he had seen at Tagore’s Shantiniketan school. The train arrived at midnight, 15 April 1917. Kripalani was waiting at the station with a large body of students. Gandhi stayed there for two days in the home of Professor Malkani, a teacher in a government school.
Questions :
(i) Name the chapter.
(a) My Mother at Sixty-Six
(b) Indigo
(c) The Last Lesson
(d) The Interview
Answer – (b) Indigo

(ii) Name the author.
(a) Louis Fischer
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Charles II
(d) Louis XVI
Answer – (a) Louis Fischer

(iii) J.B. Kriplani was professor in
(a) Arts College, Champaran
(b) Arts College, Lucknow
(c) Medical College, Muzzafarpur
(d) Arts College, Muzzafarpur
Answer – (d) Arts College, Muzzafarpur

(iv) Gandhiji stayed at professor Malkani’s house for
(a) one day
(b) two days
(c) three days
(d) one week
Answer – (b) two days

(v) Find the word in the passage, which means the same as ‘on the way’.
(a) arrived
(b) enroute
(c) capable
(d) body
Answer – (b) enroute

9. Months passed, Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the appointed spot in Calcutta when Gandhi arrived; he waited till Gandhi was free. Then the two of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar. There Shukla led him to the house of a lawyer named Rajendra Prasad who later became President of Congress Party and of India. Rajendra Prasad was out of town, but the servants knew Shukla as a poor Yeoman who pestered their master to help the indigo sharecroppers. So, they let him stay on the grounds with his companion, Gandhi, whom they took to be another peasant. But Gandhi was not permitted to draw water from the well else some drops from his bucket pollute the entire source.
(i) Where was Shukla waiting for Gandhi ji ?
(a) Patna
(b) Champaran
(c) Calcutta
(d) At Rajendra Prasad’s house
Answer – (c) Calcutta

(ii) Complete the following analogy :
Companion : Foe : : ………… : Delighted
(a) Boarded
(b) Permitted
(c) Pestered
(d) yeoman
Answer – (c) Pestered

(iii) What was common in Shukla and Gandhi ji ?
(a) Their patience
(b) Their helping nature
(c) There was nothing common in them
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Answer – (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

(iv) The servants at Rajendra Prasad house did not allow Gandhi Ji to draw water from the well as they thought him to be ………….
(a) The National leader
(b) The worshipper of non violence
(c) A rich man
(d) An untouchable
Answer – (d) An untouchable

(v) An autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by himself and a biography is an account of a person’s life written by a person other than himself whereas a diary is a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences, and in a travelogue a person describes the important places he travels. In what category would you put the above extract ?
(a) Autobiography
(b) Biography
(c) Diary
(d) Travelogue
Answer – (b) Biography

10. …realised with pain
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes,
Questions :
(i) Who is the poet of these lines?
(a) Kamala Das
(b) Stephen Spender
(c) Pablo Neruda
(d) Adrienne Rich
Answer – (a) Kamala Das

(ii) What is the name of the poem?
(a) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
(b) My Mother at Sixty-six
(c) Keeping Quiet
(d) A Roadside Stand
Answer – (b) My Mother at Sixty-six

(iii) Who does ‘she’ refer to in the above stanza?
(a) Poetess’s Aunt
(b) Poetess’s Mother
(c) Poetess’s Daughter
(d) Poetess’s Grandmother
Answer – (b) Poetess’s Mother

(iv) What did the poetess realize with pain?
(a) She had left her wallet at home.
(b) Her mother was old and prone to death.
(c) She had a headache.
(d) Her mother had forgot to take her pills.
Answer – (b) Her mother was old and prone to death.

(v) The mood outside of the car is ……………… that inside the car.
(a) the same as
(b) the opposite of
(c) more mossier than
(d) more green than
Answer – (b) the opposite of

11. When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
Questions :
(i) What is the name of the poem from which these lines have been taken?
(a) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
(b) Aunt Karen’s Tigers
(c) Aunt Adrienne’s Tigers
(d) None of these
Answer – (a) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers

(ii) What is the name of the poet of this poem?
(a) Adrienne Rich
(b) Stephen Spender
(c) Pablo Neruda
(d) Kalki
Answer – (a) Adrienne Rich

(iii) Why is Aunt terrified?
(a) She is tormented by her husband.
(b) She is a victim of domestic violence.
(c) She is afraid of tigers.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer – (d) Both (a) and (b)

(iv) “Will go on prancing…” supports the ………………. .
(a) idea of mortality of humans
(b) idea of immortality of humans
(c) idea of immortality of tigers
(d) idea of immortality of art
Answer – (d) idea of immortality of art

(v)The word in the stanza which means the same as ‘afraid’ is ……………. .
(a) ordeals
(b) terrified
(c) unafraid
(d) prancing
Answer – (b) terrified

12. A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Questions :
(i) Who is the poet of these lines?
(a) William Shakespeare
(b) Pablo Neruda
(c) John Keats
(d) Leslie Norris
Answer – (c) John Keats

(ii) Name the poem from which this extract has been taken.
(a) Keeping Quiet
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
(d) My Mother at Sixty-Six
Answer – (b) A Thing of Beauty

(iii) “Its loveliness increases,” – What does ‘its’ refer to?
(a) Beauty
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) A flower
(d) An animal
Answer – (b) A Thing of Beauty

(iv) What does ‘bower’ mean?
(a) A shady place
(b) A place of fear
(c) A place of distress
(d) A place full of sadness
Answer – (a) A shady place

(v) What will never pass into nothingness?
(a) A thing of beauty
(b) A man
(c) A woman
(d) A child’s tears
Answer – (a) A thing of beauty

13. Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their
in the shade, doing nothing.
Questions :
(i) Who is the poet of these lines?
(a) William Shakespeare
(b) Pablo Neruda
(c) John Keats
(d) Leslie Norris
Answer – (b) Pablo Neruda

(ii) Name the poem from which this extract has been taken.
(a) Keeping Quiet
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
(d) My Mother at Sixty-Six
Answer – (a) Keeping Quiet

(iii) What does ‘victory with no survivors’ underline?
(a) Inhumanity of war
(b) Cruelty of Humans
(c) Wars being baseless
(d) All of these
Answer – (d) All of these

(iv) How are wars fought?
(a) With gas
(b) With fire
(c) With love
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer – (d) Both (a) and (b)

(v) What does the author want the people who prepare ‘green wars’ to do?
(a) Fight even more
(b) Destruct world peace
(c) Walk in shade with their enemies (brothers)
(d) To be revengeful
Answer – (c) Walk in shade with their enemies (brothers)

14. Yes, in spite of all,
Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in;
and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rope blooms.
Questions :
(i) Name the poem.
(a) My Mother at Sixty-Six
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) A Roadside Stand
(d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Answer – (b) A Thing of Beauty

(ii) Name the poet.
(a) Kamala Das
(b) John Keats
(c) Robert Frost
(d) Adrienne Rich
Answer – (b) John Keats

(iii) What moves away the pall?
(a) A Thing of Trust
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) A Thing of Poetry
(d) None of these
Answer – (b) A Thing of Beauty

(iv) What does the word ‘boon’ mean?
(a) Blessing
(b) Bush
(c) Beauty
(d) None of these
Answer – (a) Blessing

(v) Which of the following is a thing of beauty?
(a) Daffodils
(b) Sun
(c) Moon
(d) All of these
Answer – (d) All of these

15. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers are fluttering through her wool.
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band.
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
Questions :
(i) Name the poem.
(a) My Mother at Sixty-Six
(b) A Thing of Beauty
(c) A Roadside Stand
(d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Answer – (d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers

(ii) Name the poet.
(a) Kamala Das
(b) John Keats
(c) Robert Frost
(d) Adrienne Rich
Answer – (d) Adrienne Rich

(iii) What is Aunt Jennifer doing?
(a) Embroidery
(b) Painting
(c) Reading
(d) Dancing
Answer – (a) Embroidery

(iv) What are the characteristics of Uncle’s behaviour?
(a) Cruel
(b) Dominating
(c) Abusive
(d) All of these
Answer – (d) All of these

(v) ‘Ivory’ means
(a) Elepahnt’s tail’s hair
(b) Elephant’s teeth and tusk
(c) Elephant’s nails
(d) Elephant’s bones
Answer – (b) Elephant’s teeth and tusk

16. Driving from my parent’s
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she
looked but soon put that thought away…
Questions :
(i) Name the poem.
(a) My Mother at Sixty-Six
(b) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
(c) Keeping Quiet
(d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Answer – (a) My Mother at Sixty-Six

(ii) Name the poet.
(a) Kamala Das
(b) Stephen Spender
(c) Pablo Neruda
(d) Adrienne Rich
Answer – (a) Kamala Das

(iii) Choose the option that best applies to the given extract.
(a) A conversation
(b) A recollection
(c) An argument
(d) None of these
Answer – (b) A recollection

(iv) The poetic device in the line ‘ashen like that of a corpse’ is
(a) Simile
(b) Oxymoron
(c) Metaphor
(d) Allusion
Answer – (a) Simile

(v) A synonym to the word ‘corpse’ can be
(a) Cadaver
(b) Carcass
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Answer – (c) Both (a) and (b)

17. When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
Questions :
(i) Name the poem.
(a) My Mother at Sixty-Six
(b) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
(c) Keeping Quiet
(d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Answer – (d) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers

(ii) Name the poet.
(a) Kamala Das
(b) Stephen Spender
(c) Pablo Neruda
(d) Adrienne Rich
Answer – (d) Adrienne Rich

(iii) What was Aunt Jennifer mastered by?
(a) Art
(b) Tiger
(c) Ordeals
(d) None of these
Answer – (c) Ordeals

(iv) The idea conveyed through the last line is about
(a) the immortality of human spirit
(b) the victory of good over bad
(c) the immortality of art
(d) unending joy from beauty
Answer – (c) the immortality of art

(v) What does the word ‘unafraid’ mean?
(a) Terror
(b) Feared
(c) Courageous
(d) Scared
Answer – (c) Courageous

18. Those who prepare green wars,
Wars with gas, wars with fire,
Victory with no survivors
Would put on clean clothes,
And walk about with their brothers
In the shade, doing nothing.
What I want should not be
Confused with total inactivity.
(i) According to the poet, what will make the war mongers quit the idea of war ?
(a) Quiet introspection
(b) Total inactivity
(c) Atomic war
(d) All of the above
Answer – (a) Quiet introspection

(ii) Find a phrase from the extract which suggests that wars are not fruitful and never yields a winner.
(a) Those who prepare green wars
(b) Victory with no survivors
(c) In the shade, doing nothing
(d) Confused with total inactivity.
Answer – (b) Victory with no survivors

(iii) ‘Total inactivity’ represents …………..
(a) Life
(b) Death
(c) Laziness
(d) Action
Answer – (b) Death

(iv) What will the war mongers do after quitting the idea of war ?
(a) They will engage themselves in new wars.
(b) They will learn the art of tailoring to sew new clothes.
(c) They will start working on humanitarian grounds.
(d) They will make their brothers hate.
Answer – (c) They will start working on humanitarian grounds.

(v) Name the poet of the above extract.
(a) Kamala Das
(b) Stephen Spender
(c) John Keats
(d) Pablo Neruda
Answer – (d) Pablo Neruda

19. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by
Questions :
(i) What does the following line suggest you about Aunt Jennifer’s married life “The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.”
(a) She is happy with her married life as her husband has given her a precious gift.
(b) She is not happy with her married life as her husband is a cruel man.
(c) She is neither happy nor sad.
(d) Only Aunt Jennifer can tell whether she is happy with her marriage or not.
Answer – (b) She is not happy with her married life as her husband is a cruel man.

(ii) Complete the following analogy with a word from the given options :
Marriage : Wedding : : Surrounded : ……………
(a) Massive
(b) Ordeals
(c) Ivory
(d) Ringed
Answer – (d) Ringed

(iii) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given below :
I. Aunt Jennifer Symbolizes all the married women.
II. She is the victim of patriarchal society.
Choose the correct option :
(a) I is true II is false
(b) II is true I is false
(c) Both I and II are true
(d) Both I and II are false
Answer – (c) Both I and II are true

(iv) The rhyme scheme of the above extract is :
(a) aabbcc
(b) ababcc
(c) abcabc
(d) abbcab
Answer – (a) aabbcc

(v) Identify the figure of speech used in ‘fingers fluttering’.
(a) simile
(b) oxymoron
(c) Transferred epithet
(d) Alliteration
Answer – (d) Alliteration

20. The next I remember I was lying on my stomach beside the pool, vomiting. The chap that threw me in was saying, “But I was only fooling”. Someone said, “The kid nearly died. But all right now. Let’s carry him to the locker room”. Several hours later, I walked home. I was weak and trembling. I shook and cried when I lay on my bed. I couldn’t eat that night. For days a haunting fear was in my heart. The slightest exertion upset me, making me wobbly in the knees and sick to my stomach.
(i) The use of ‘I’ in the present extract suggests that the piece is ………….
(a) Autobiographical
(b) Biographical
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None
Answer – (a) Autobiographical

(ii) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given below :
I. This incident made the writer hydrophobic.
II. The boy enjoyed swimming in the pool.
Choose the correct option :
(a) I is true II is false
(b) II is true I is false
(c) Both I and II are true
(d) Both I and II are false
Answer – (a) I is true II is false

(iii) The chap threw the boy into the pool ………….
(a) To kill him
(b) To teach him how to swim
(c) Just for fun
(d) To make him wobbly in the knees.
Answer – (c) Just for fun

(iv) “I was lying on my stomach beside the pool.” Which pool is being talked about here ?
(a) Yakima
(b) Y M C A
(c) Waterland
(d) V M C A
Answer – (b) Y M C A

(v) The boy could not eat that night because ………….
(a) Of the misadventure.
(b) He was not hungry.
(c) He was afraid of his father.
(d) He was dieting.
Answer – (a) Of the misadventure.



Paragraph, Article, Letter, Report, Notice, Advertisement


1. Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Discipline’.
Answer – Discipline is described as adhering to or obeying a set of rules. Our lives become more organised when we follow those rules. Working as per the rules is a lot of fun and makes everything normal and straightforward. That’s why there is a determined effort to maintain discipline in institutions like schools. A disciplined person is obedient to the proper authority and also has self-governing behaviour. Being disciplined is essential in all aspects of life and is required for every endeavour. This is necessary for everyone to collaborate on a project. If we do not follow our superiors’ directions and rules, we will face challenges, and our efforts may fail. Maintaining our daily routines like waking up early in the morning, having water as required and freshening up before starting our day – all account to leading a disciplined life.

2. Write a paragraph on the topic ‘My favourite festival’.
Answer – Diwali is my favourite festival. It is the festival of lights; it is celebrated in all parts of our country. A few days before Diwali, people clean their houses and shops and get them whitewashed. On Diwali day, people decorate their houses. On the night of Diwali, lamps are lit in every village, town and city. All the houses, shops and buildings are illuminated with earthen lamps, candles and electric bulbs. Children move about in their best clothes. People exchange sweets and gifts. Children spend money in buying sweets, toys and crackers. At night people worship ‘Laxmi’, the goddess of wealth. Diwali is a festival of joy. On this day everyone is happy.

3. Write a paragraph on ‘Friendship’.
Answer – Friendship makes a person’s life complete. Without friendship, Life is full of boredom. Additionally, This priceless blessing doubles your joy and cuts your pain. We all start making friends in childhood. When we start our schooling, we meet lots of classmates as friends. Unquestionably, From our childhood, friends impact our lives in multiple forms and our personality and behaviour are a result of the fellowship of our friends. They teach us valuable lessons that are not even found in books. Friends are your extended family. You don’t select your family members, but you choose your friends. Friends are the family you select accordingly, your brother from another parent or your sister from another man. To sum it up, having a good friendship that inspires you, supports you, and always stands by you at difficult times is a fortune. They are the ones who understand you more than you.

4. Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of English Language’.
Answer – In more than 65 countries, English is the primary language. This language is a very perfect language for international communication. It connects people all over the world. It is the most demanded language in various sectors of employment. At present, the English language is not just a language but it has become a trend. After Chinese and Japanese, it is in third place in the most spoken languages on the globe. Moreover, this language is a must tool for those who want to make their career in the tech field or the computing sector. If you have a curious nature and use to search for answers on Google, you must know that most of the information available on the internet is in English.

5. Write an article on the topic ‘Value of outdoor games’ to be published in your school magazine.
Answer –

Value of Outdoor Games

Outdoor games play a vital role in our life. They are not important just for kids but for adults as well. They make us physically as well as mentally fit. They develop coordination, team spirit, discipline and prepare us for the ups and downs of life. Outdoor games create a sense of brotherhood among players. They teach the players discipline and punctuality. They build muscle power and strength. They keep the players energetic and active all the time. They also help in building good character and develop the spirit of cooperation. They keep us away from diseases. They justify the saying “a healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. With the help of outdoor games we can achieve our goals/aims in life. They provide a platform for skill development and the acquisition of new abilities. Many outdoor games have cultural significance and are played across different countries and regions. Participating in these games allows for cultural exchange, exposure to different traditions and the celebration of diversity. In a nutshell, we can say that outdoor games offer a wide range of values including physical fitness and social interaction.

6. Read the following advertisement for products using solar energy. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily, making a plea to the common people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit electricity bills.
Answer –

147 Mayur Vihar
New Delhi

11 April 20xx

The Editor Hindustan
Times New Delhi

Subject: Evoking Awareness towards Solar Energy

Respected Sir
Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to make the people aware of the growing need and demands of solar power. We all know that our earth is showing signs of a patient in declining health and it is due to excessive pollution on our planet. Man has a desire to live a luxurious life and for that, he is over consuming electricity. He doesn’t realize that overuse would exhaust the treasure. We must conserve electricity which is the need of the hour.
But this com; rvation can only be done if we start using solar power systems. Various kinds of solar systems like solar cookers, solar lanterns, solar heating and cooking system, solar water heater, etc., are available in the market.
These solar systems are non-polluting. They are economical and are available in different sizes. So, I request you to publish this letter in your newspaper to make people aware of the need of conserving electricity and limiting electricity bills. Public must pay attention to the dire need of switching over to solar energy. Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

7. You are Kritika. Your school’s Yoga Club hosted a workshop called “Art of Living for Students.” Write a letter to the editor of the local daily newspaper in roughly 100-120 words giving your thoughts on the matter.
Answer –

82 Civil Lines
New Delhi

9th November 20xx

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Art of Living for Students

I’d want to share my thoughts on the benefits of “Art of Living for Students” in your prestigious newspaper’s columns. Students will benefit greatly from this programme. I was able to attend one of the yoga club’s programmes, which was organized by the school. I realized that it teaches time management strategies. Additionally, learners were taught how to cope with academic pressure. In a nutshell, every student, in my opinion, should attend this course. Students should be informed about such programmes, and the authorities should offer information. I trust you will act in the best interests of the children.
Thanking you
Yours Truly

8. The main road leading to your locality has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night, especially during rainy season. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Editor, The Tribune drawing attention of the concerned authorities to this problem of the residents. You are Jatin / Jyoti of Sector 2, Rewari.
Answer –

1st July 20xx

The Editor
The Tribune

Subject : open manholes

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the kind attention of the general public and concerned authorities to the open manholes at sector-2, Rewari. There are three open manholes on the main road leading to our locality. They are posing a serious threat to the lives of the people. Despite several incidents in the past where people have fallen in these manholes and suffered injuries, The Rewari Nagar Nigam has never paid heeds to cover them up. These pits lead to accidents during daytime itself but they become all the more dangerous during the night time. During rainy season it is difficult to locate them. Therefore, on behalf of the residents of the locality I request you to make the authorities cover these open manholes immediately.
I hope the concerned authorities will take prompt action to cover these open manholes. Thanking you.
Yours faithfully

9. Write a letter to the Editor of The Times Newspaper, highlighting increasing technological addiction among the youth.
Answer –

24D, Block 4
Defence Society
New Delhi

24th June 20xx

The Editor
The Times
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal against rising tech addiction among the youth

With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice the fast-growing menace of tech addiction and resultant health scares among the youth of our country.
Today, we are able to enjoy some of the most convenient gadgets to have ever existed, which offer far more information and sources of entertainment than any other. As a result, the upcoming generation has been becoming increasingly information-heavy. The number of hours an average person spends in gaining new information, whether wanted or unwanted, is fast increasing, with a screen in front of our eyes showing us new wonders every minute. And on top of that, the wonders are as per choice and preferences. All this temptation often leads young children to spend much more time on these gadgets than what’s healthy. And even though we may not realise it instantly, it levies a huge load of tiredness on our brains and eyes, often leading to inexplicable stress and irritability.
Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the youth worldwide to maintain a balance of all spheres of life to fully enjoy it.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours Sincerely

10. A Block Level Science Exhibition was organised in your school. Many teams from different schools participated in it and exhibited their innovations. Your school team also participated in it and your team’s innovation was adjudged the best. As a student correspondent, write a report in 120-150 words for your school newsletter. You are Rahul / Renu.
Answer –

Block Level Science Exhibition
By Renu

Rewari : 5th May 20xx

A Block Level Science Exhibition was organized in ABC school, Rewari on 4th May 20xx by DSE, Haryana. The motto of the exhibition was to provide an opportunity to the budding scientist to showcase their innovations. The B.E.O. Dr. Yogender Yadav was the chief guest on this occasion. He inaugurated the exhibition and motivated the participants. Twenty teams from different schools participated in the exhibition. Each team comprised three students. Each team demonstrated its model and explained its working very minutely. The visitors were bewitched by the innovations. Our school team also participated in the exhibition. It was very difficult for the jury members to decide which model/innovation was the best. Finally, our school team’s innovation was adjudged the best among them. M.A.K. school team got the second position and D.A.V. secured the third. The B.E.O. gave away the prizes to the winning teams and participation certificates to the rest of the teams. Thus the exhibition was a great success.


11. Write a report for the annual function held in your school.
Answer –

Annual Day Celebration

Bhiwani : 5th February 20xx

On Wednesday of last week, our school celebrated its Annual Day Program in our school auditorium. On this special day, SDM Suraj Saw of our district was our chief guest. Parents of all the students were also invited on this day. Our school auditorium was completely decorated with lights and flowers. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp at the hands of SDM Sir. Simultaneously, the principal sir, secretary of our school, and senior-most teachers also lit the lamp. The cultural show began with school prayer. After that, one by one, the students of different classes performed various programs. Students from all classes participated in this program. First of all, the children of the Junior Most Class performed a beautiful group dance program and they also sang many poems. After that, a group of students from classes 6 and 7 also played a little drama scene on the theme of the independence of the country. After this, various programs were also presented by the students. SDM also gave a speech on how he prepared for UPSC and cleared the civil services exam and also inspired students to make careers in civil service. Finally, the principal came on stage and thanked everyone, especially SDM Sir, for coming to our annual day function.


12. Your state government has banned the use of plastic bags. Your are Amarjeet, a reporter of The National Herald. Write a report in 100 words on how the ban is being ignored and what damage the indiscriminate use of plastic bags in causing to the environment.
Answer –

Environment Unfriendly Polybags
By: Amarjeet, Staff Reporter
The National Herald

Bhiwani, 24 January 20xx

The government had banned the production and use of plastic bags in our state. But unfortunately, these are now being widely used again everywhere. Not only are we using a huge number of polybags daily but we are also discarding them in our drains uncaring about the fact that they will block the flow of drain water. Polybags are also a threat to our environment. They cause pollution, kill wildlife and are responsible for using up the natural resources of the earth. They are one of the main factors that litter the landscape. If burnt, they will infuse the surrounding air with toxic fumes.
The main problem of plastic bags is that they are non-biodegradable. The decomposition of plastic takes around a thousand years, so with the plastic rubbish produced each day it is likely that this problem will never be solved. While the government works out ways to lessen the impact of polybags on the environment each one of us too should shoulder some responsibility for this problem that ultimately harms us all.


13. 5th June has been recognised as World Environment Day. Your school conducted various activities to commemorate the day. Write a report as Karan/Karuna.
Answer –

World Environment Day
By Karan

5 January 20xx

Our school, Government Senior Secondary School, Siwani celebrated World Environment Day from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the school campus. The District Education Officer inaugurated the exhibition put up by the SST Dept. and students of the middle school. There were stalls exhibiting various recycled products, waste management methods, pollution control methods and schemes, awareness through posters, PowerPoint presentations, and role-plays.
The centre stage on the playground used Preserve Our Environment as a theme for songs, dances, mimes, and one-act play saplings were generously distributed to encourage tree plantation at an individual’s level. A debate and recitation competition was held on an inter-school basis. Our school got the Runners-up Trophy while GSSS, Palwas was adjudged the Best All-Rounder. The celebration came to an end with a vote of thanks by the Headmistress, Sunder Singh, and the National Anthem was sung by all of us.


14. Draft a notice for your school notice board, inviting names of interested students for participating in the ‘Inter-school Debate Competition’ to be held in the school auditorium.
Answer –


March 01, 20xx

Our school is organising an Inter-school Debate Competition on March 19, 20xx; Tuesday at 12pm in the school auditorium. More than 20 schools from all over the city will participate. Interested students may contact the undersigned latest by March 10, 20xx.
Head girl/boy


15. Write a notice for your school notice-board inviting names for interested students for school trip to Agra for visiting the ‘Taj Mahal’.
Answer –

Government Senior Secondary School, Haluwas

2 March 20xx


The school is organizing an excursion to Taj Mahal in the coming autumn holidays. Interested students must deposit Rupees two thousand per head to the undersigned latest by 10 March 20xx. The school will meet all the travelling and hoarding expenses.
Head Boy/Head Girl


16. You are Mr. Ranjit of Karnal. You have recently built a 2-story apartment and wish to sell it. Create an advertisement for the same, which is to be published in the Times of India’s classified column.
Answer –

Flat for Sale

A newly built 2 story luxury flat, complete with interior furnishings for sale. Flat is located in Karnal, M.G Road, Haryana. It is also in close vicinity of reputed Kalpana Chawla Medical college and Eagle Multi-speciality Hospital. The nearest railway station is 5 mins away. The expected price of the flat: INR 60 lakhs. Contact number: Ranjit– 900xxxxxx. Interested buyers only. Brokers will not be entertained.


17. You want to sell your car which you bought last year and is in excellent condition. Draft an advertisement to be published in a local daily under classified columns.
Answer –


Available almost a new Ford Figo car(diesel) for sale. It is of white colour, model 2022, run 30,000 km, average 20 kilometer per liter, A.C., leather seat covers, Sony music system, power window, PUC, tubeless tyres, fully insured etc. Selling price – 500000/- . No bargaining!
Interested parties can contact : Prem Nagar, Charkhi Dadri.

Mob.- 98xxxxxx23
E.mail – [email protected]


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